Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Life @ Citi has changed

The subject describes what has been the agenda of the top layer of the people in Citi and the concern for the people falling under that layer.
After long years of wait, things seem to be changing... On second thoughts…it has

It's not been long that Citi shifted to Unit II A and changes were visible from there on.
Citi has witnessed the era of illustrious Amit and dynamic Madhukar, striving to reduce the never plummeting working hours of Citi Associates (CA's).
Unfortunately they couldn't achieve much.

Nature follows a cycle of crest and trough. The fortunate join the wave during crest and the others during trough.
Things changed drastically for the Indian Cricket team with the new captain Dravid on Board. It was ADIEU for the most successful Indian skipper going through a prolonged awfully bad phase. The same team is doing wonders with just one man out of the team.
So it's Good time, incessant praises and accolades for the Indian Cricket team now. Tomorrow starts another series to test the capability of the team which seems to be doing nothing wrong at this moment.

K Sanjay joined Citi a couple of months back like a harbinger of reduced working hours. Things started falling in place apparently. High visibility Mexico project that had people toiling day in and day out had its deadline procrastinated by several months. Workflow reduced for the other teams sparing the BAU support. Meetings, Status Reports for the first time took a back seat in Citi. So it's good time, praises and accolades for the new leader on Board.
Playing a stoic observer, I try to judge if the "King of good times" deserves all this. Perceptible changes with obscure effort. Immaculately smooth execution if he is one to have set the stones rolling.

Most of the associates are enjoying the change not musing over the reason behind all the changes. I am not an exception either. The status mail leaves my mailbox before 5:30 most of the days and I have all the time with myself to do wut I did not do all these years.
Leaving office when the sun is still out, playing TT, going shopping, reading books, having discussions and debates @ lunch, writing emails like this are the order of the day. I am loving it; not thinking much about the natural cycle.

I hope that the Indian team performs well in the impending series against South Africa consolidating the fact that they are here to stand tall. I have similar hopes for Citi too that has brought back some passion and spice in my life. Pursuing things that interests me gives me immense pleasure and a sense of fulfillment that I was missing for so long I don't even remember.

I am sorry for my comrades who left citi without having seen this change. It would be good to let them know that Life @ Citi has changed.

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