Tuesday, January 03, 2006

How old is their marriage

I have been observing that curve on their body for a past couple of days.
Not that these curves have come into being now, but these insipid curves seem to generate uncanny interest in me these days.

I wonder how drastically the attention on these curves changes before and after marriage.
It’s so damn important to keep these in good shape; they are a gimmick to the opposite sex. They definitely make better hunters out of you and fetch good bait.
Wild Dogs hunt for Sports, Humans hunt humans one at a time and for a purpose.
Arguably most of the humans stop this practice after one successful attempt and eventually the gimmick loses all the attention. It becomes vestigial as far as hunting is concerned.
These curves become larger as the marriage gets older. Interestingly these curves change their shape rapidly post engagement and before marriage.
I guess it would be directly proportional to the time that one spends with their WUD be SPOUSE. As the comfort level between them increases, the curves become pronounced and palpable.
The change in size may be as drastic as 32 to 36.
The initial change makes the subject conscious but eventually the WHO CARES attitude prevails and everything seems fine.

As I enter the office every morning, I sneak a quick look to gauge the size of the curves of my colleagues @ kanbay.
Large populations of my Sample Data belong to my very own project as getting other details like the age of their marriage is easy.

The study was purely based on my observation of the subjects.
Myriad people with their age of their marriage falling between 3.5 yrs to -2 months adhere to my observations mentioned above.

As you read this line of the email; Stand up and see if you can figure out an equation between the Age of their marriage and Size of your colleague’s tummy.

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