Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Life @ Citi has changed

The subject describes what has been the agenda of the top layer of the people in Citi and the concern for the people falling under that layer.
After long years of wait, things seem to be changing... On second thoughts…it has

It's not been long that Citi shifted to Unit II A and changes were visible from there on.
Citi has witnessed the era of illustrious Amit and dynamic Madhukar, striving to reduce the never plummeting working hours of Citi Associates (CA's).
Unfortunately they couldn't achieve much.

Nature follows a cycle of crest and trough. The fortunate join the wave during crest and the others during trough.
Things changed drastically for the Indian Cricket team with the new captain Dravid on Board. It was ADIEU for the most successful Indian skipper going through a prolonged awfully bad phase. The same team is doing wonders with just one man out of the team.
So it's Good time, incessant praises and accolades for the Indian Cricket team now. Tomorrow starts another series to test the capability of the team which seems to be doing nothing wrong at this moment.

K Sanjay joined Citi a couple of months back like a harbinger of reduced working hours. Things started falling in place apparently. High visibility Mexico project that had people toiling day in and day out had its deadline procrastinated by several months. Workflow reduced for the other teams sparing the BAU support. Meetings, Status Reports for the first time took a back seat in Citi. So it's good time, praises and accolades for the new leader on Board.
Playing a stoic observer, I try to judge if the "King of good times" deserves all this. Perceptible changes with obscure effort. Immaculately smooth execution if he is one to have set the stones rolling.

Most of the associates are enjoying the change not musing over the reason behind all the changes. I am not an exception either. The status mail leaves my mailbox before 5:30 most of the days and I have all the time with myself to do wut I did not do all these years.
Leaving office when the sun is still out, playing TT, going shopping, reading books, having discussions and debates @ lunch, writing emails like this are the order of the day. I am loving it; not thinking much about the natural cycle.

I hope that the Indian team performs well in the impending series against South Africa consolidating the fact that they are here to stand tall. I have similar hopes for Citi too that has brought back some passion and spice in my life. Pursuing things that interests me gives me immense pleasure and a sense of fulfillment that I was missing for so long I don't even remember.

I am sorry for my comrades who left citi without having seen this change. It would be good to let them know that Life @ Citi has changed.

Happening New Year - 2006

The 80,000 watt pulsating music amplified to an even higher intensity.
Fireworks started in no time filling the sky with colorful light all around.
Our Female friend hugged us wishing both of us a very Happy and happening New Year.

The resilient wooden Dance floor started creaking and deforming as the people started to dance with greater vigor with the inception of New Year.
We were resonating our body in unison with the people on floor. The music was hitting the body creating vibrations that never ceased to stop. People were enjoying the music and dancing to the tunes of DJ’s who never failed to pick up the most happening and rocking tracks. As and when the crowd started giving way to fatigue, DJ’s would play an even better track and the indefatigable crowd came back to it’s toes again. None of us could stop dancing, but we three had to estrange ourselves from that wonderful crowd and an evenly matched DJ because of the GET IN THE HOUSE deadline of our female friend.

The New year eve started on a slow note. I had no idea what I was gonna do on the last day of the year.
I got up pretty late and saw the newspaper full of advertisements on New year parties being held at all the major clubs and resorts.
Much to my dismay, the entries were restricted to COUPLES only. Again that old thought crossed my mind, “World is never fair to individuals like me who can never manage to have a female companion especially for these occasions”. The thought continued and took me to my adolescent days when I wanted to become a MAFIA. Being a MAFIA ensured that you have the best looking females in skimpy attires by your side and more importantly you are so much more welcome at all the major events and parties.

Pune was abuzz with activities and I was yet to get a reservation done for my self at any place.
I called up chintoo to ask about his plan. He too had none.
I went to his place and then we started calling up at all the numbers one by one to enquire if we could be a part of their New Year Celebrations.
One thing in which we always beat each other is the ACTION TIME. We have always done things @ the last moment without an exception.
We started calling the most happening places first and went on in a descending order. The first couple of places were totally booked.
After a bit of trying we managed to find a place which had vacancies. Upon enquiring we realized we needed at least one female to get an entry.
They were allowing one STAG with a couple.
It seemed like a perfect thing for us. 1600 bucks for a couple, 4 free drinks and dinner.
We assumed that our close female friend Tanu had no other plans and would accompany us to SEVEN DEADLY SINS, KAPILA RESORTS.
The booking was done and we bought the passes from a nearby Ticket point.

Chintoo and I went to Shoppers stop to buy something jazzy to wear for the party. Both of us picked up a shirt each. Chintoo bought a dark very shiny one and I was content with a Black one having some embroidery. As we were coming out from the mall, I bumped into Tanu who was also looking for some apt attire for the party.
We had a short conversation after which Chintoo and I left for home.
In about 2 hrs time we were on our way to Kapila resorts.

We reached there in time and took a drink each before standing and chatting. Chintoo and I were filled with appreciation for all the good looking females wearing short skirts and plunging neckline. After chatting for a while over a glass of Bacardi, we decided, “It’s the time to Disco”. We hit the dance floor there was no stopping after that. We continued dancing for a long time till we were drenched with sweat and an unbearable liquid thirst. We took a short break from the floor, had a drink each in haste and were back on the dance floor again.

I was feeling a bit dizzy after coming out of that dance floor, I guess it was the effect of alcohol coupled with the latkas and jhatkas my body had experienced in the past 3 and a half hours. The feeling subsided in some time.
The three of us went to the Buffet and picked up something to eat. The dinner was awfully bad but we were happy for the good time we had there. Dinner was not so important.
We left the place @ about 3:00 in the morning heading towards Tanu’s house. On the way we were recollecting the moments we had spent sometime back.
It was good to share those moments with those idiosyncratic comments coming from the three of us. We dropped Tanu and sped towards my house.
I reached home feeling good and I am sure my friends share the same thought.
I would cherish these moments for long time to come for things that cannot be expressed, for things that I have not mentioned in this email.

We missed a person who used to be a part of our group. We would have loved her to be a part of the wonderful time we had at the inception of 2006.

How old is their marriage

I have been observing that curve on their body for a past couple of days.
Not that these curves have come into being now, but these insipid curves seem to generate uncanny interest in me these days.

I wonder how drastically the attention on these curves changes before and after marriage.
It’s so damn important to keep these in good shape; they are a gimmick to the opposite sex. They definitely make better hunters out of you and fetch good bait.
Wild Dogs hunt for Sports, Humans hunt humans one at a time and for a purpose.
Arguably most of the humans stop this practice after one successful attempt and eventually the gimmick loses all the attention. It becomes vestigial as far as hunting is concerned.
These curves become larger as the marriage gets older. Interestingly these curves change their shape rapidly post engagement and before marriage.
I guess it would be directly proportional to the time that one spends with their WUD be SPOUSE. As the comfort level between them increases, the curves become pronounced and palpable.
The change in size may be as drastic as 32 to 36.
The initial change makes the subject conscious but eventually the WHO CARES attitude prevails and everything seems fine.

As I enter the office every morning, I sneak a quick look to gauge the size of the curves of my colleagues @ kanbay.
Large populations of my Sample Data belong to my very own project as getting other details like the age of their marriage is easy.

The study was purely based on my observation of the subjects.
Myriad people with their age of their marriage falling between 3.5 yrs to -2 months adhere to my observations mentioned above.

As you read this line of the email; Stand up and see if you can figure out an equation between the Age of their marriage and Size of your colleague’s tummy.