"The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman."
Indian Strategist Chanakya (350 BC - 275 BC)
As I switched on my TV on a lazy morning today, CNN had an interesting news to offer, not about the US Copter that crashed in Afgahnistan, but something about the BRA's.
Campaigners and activist from around the world had got together at a harbour on the island of Cyprus to raise awareness of Breast cancer. Additionally they set up a new world record of strapping the maximun number of BRA's together. The number is more than the number of woman I would have seen till date, 114,000.
Cyprus registers 300 new cases of Breast Cancer every year and most of them die because of unawareness. The local cancer patients thought it is high time they make people aware of it and make NEWS at the same time.
The number of BRA's they tied together came to be 118 Kms long. Phew. I am sure the collection did not miss any size, shape, brand and color sold anywhere in the world. The Video shoot showed people of all age and class donating in all possible ways to the cause. I saw some military personnels starpping the BRA's together, I mean they were doing all they could, they could not possibly have donated BRA's.
BRA's were collected from various parts of the world and brought to Cyprus.
The previous record of strapping the maximum number of BRA's was held by Singapore who could manage to collect only 79,000 BRA's. Well I believe a large portion of women on that side of the planet would not necessarily need it and may be that's the reason Singapore could not hold the record for long.
The modus operandi doesn't make any difference if you realize the goal. The casue was pious and I am positive that it has made people aware not only in Cyprus but other parts of the world as well. As one of the activist said, "There is no one in Cyprus now who is not aware of Breast Cancer"
Chanakya might want to rephrase his saying after hearing all this.
This campaign has also showed the POWER of things women use.
I am contributing to this cause by posting a blog !!